I love my job as You love each other.
The story of the wedding videographer.
After finishing school in Ignalina, Lithuania at the age of 18, I went to England to study electronic engineering. During my studies, I noticed that this specialty is probably not for me. I was always inclined towards the field of art. I graduated from music school where I played the accordion and percussion. After graduation, I taught myself to play the guitar and a little piano. I decided to keep music as a way of relaxation. Well, in my sophomore year, I became interested in cameras, films, and photos, and that's how I took my first steps in this profession.
After returning to Lithuania for the summer after the second year, I did about 50 photo sessions for my friends and acquaintances, thus deepening my knowledge and at that time I realized that this is my true passion.
When the academic year started, I returned to the city of Bristol, but when the covid started, I flew back to Lithuania, where I finished writing my bachelor's thesis and thus finished my studies and obtained an engineering diploma. While writing my thesis, I got a job as a manager of UAB Promaksa. I studied business and life there. I gained invaluable experience in selling drones, cameras, and communicating with customers. After work, I always tried to carry out my activity, which I named - a.k.pictures. These are my photo and video services.
After a year at Promaksa, I changed jobs and became an engineer at the mobile television station (KTS) in LRT television, continuing my a.k.pictures activities. I worked on TV projects such as "Auksinis protas," "1000-mečio vaikai," and Eurovision Song Contest selections, as well as various concerts at Žalgiris Arena and the large LRT studio, which you see on LRT television. I also covered numerous business trips to different cities in Lithuania, filming state celebrations, performances, festivals, and broadcasting them live. One memorable evening was when I unexpectedly had to rush to work and broadcast a concert dedicated to supporting Ukraine in front of the Russian embassy, the day the war began. I had to focus in a stressful situation and perform my duties flawlessly.
After a year and a half at LRT, I decided to quit and went to Australia, Sydney. There, I lived for 6 months, filming beautiful budget Lebanese, Arabic, and Australian weddings. I learned a lot about both filming and myself and got to know new cultures.
After this adventure, I returned to Lithuania, filmed numerous events and weddings during the summer, and received an invitation to return to LRT in the fall. I accepted it, and currently, I work in my beloved job while continuing my a.k.pictures filming activities.
Best Regards,